
California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

On June 28, 2018 California (“CA”) Governor Jerry Brown signed the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“Act”) into law. The Act zeroes in on the personal information (“PI”) of CA residents, at once: (i) formalizing consumers’ rights regarding their own PI, and (ii) mandating what certain businesses may and may not do (sans permission) if they collect, disclose, or sell such info. Like the recently effective GDPR—and the Internet itself—the Act reaches far beyond its ostensible borders. Its implications should therefore be tracked by any covered entity dealing in PI, as the Act defines it.

This post summarizes certain key aspects of the Act: namely, its rights, requirements, and the entities beholden to both.

Effective Date

The Act will be effective January 1, 2020. §1798.198(a). Until then, the CA legislature will likely rethink, refine, and amend it. §1798.185(a). While getting a head-start on Act-literacy is wise, keeping an eye on its evolution is key.

Covered Businesses

The Act’s requirements fall primarily upon “businesses,” which are defined as:

For-profit legal entities that,

-          collect consumers’ PI (or have PI collected on the business' behalf);

-          alone or jointly determine the purposes and means of PI processing;

-          do business in CA; and

o   have annual gross revenues over $25M;

o   alone or in combination, annually buy, sell, or share for commercial purposes the PI of 50K or more consumers, households, or devices; or

o   derive 50% or more of their annual revenues from selling PI. §1798.140(c)(1).

The Act's covered businesses also include entities that (i) control or are controlled by, and (ii) share common branding (i.e. name, trademark) with, the above businesses. §1798.140(c)(2).

Covered Data

The key phrase here is “personal information.” The Act defines PI as “information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household.” §1798.140(o)(1).

The Act provides a non-exhaustive list of PI examples, including: names, SSNs, biometrics, personal property records, records of products considered or purchased, browsing history, geo data, visual, thermal or olfactory data (Note: if you know what "olfactory data" entails, let us know!), education info, and any inferences drawn from these and the other listed data points. Id. Exception: publicly available info, as defined by the Act, is not PI. §1798.140(o)(2).

Consumers and Rights

The Act grants “consumers”—defined as natural persons who are CA residents, §1798.140(g)—distinct rights pertaining to the handling of their PI, including the following.

(1) The right to know what PI each business collects.

Thanks to this right, when requested by a consumer, a business must disclose to that consumer promptly (i.e. generally within 45 days of receipt of request) and free of charge: (i) the categories of PI collected, (ii) specific pieces of PI collected; (iii) categories of sources from which a business collected such consumer's PI; and (ii) categories of third parties with which businesses share that PI.  §1798.100§1798.110.

Also, at or before the point of collection, a business must inform consumers of: (i) the categories of PI collected, and (ii) how the PI will be used. Additional collection or use is prohibited sans this notification. §1798.110.

Exceptions: Businesses are not required to disclose to consumers any unsold or un-retained PI collected for one-time transactions. Also, re-identifying or otherwise linking data that the business does not (in the ordinary course of business) maintain as PI, for the sake of disclosing that PI, is not required.  §1798.100§1798.110.

(2) The right to request the deletion of their PI.

When requested by a consumer, a business must delete that consumer's PI and direct its service providers (defined at  §1798.140(v)) to do the same. §1798.105(c). Exceptions include where the PI is necessary to: (i) perform a contract with the consumer, (ii) detect security incidents, (iii) debug, (iv) exercise a lawful right, (v) comply with certain Penal Code or other legal requirements, (vi) conduct public interest research, or (vii) otherwise use the PI “internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which the consumer provided the information.” §1798.105(d).

(3) The right to know whether their PI is sold or disclosed, and to whom.

Upon request by a consumer, businesses who sell PI or otherwise disclose it for a business purpose must disclose to that consumer, essentially, the categories of (i) PI they collected, disclosed for a business purpose, and sold; and (ii) each third party to whom they sold the PI. §1798.115. If a business hasn’t sold the requesting consumer’s PI, such business must disclose that fact. Id.

(4) The right to prohibit—i.e. “opt out” of—the sale of their PI.

A consumer may at any time direct a business that it may not sell that consumer’s PI. §1798.120. Businesses that sell consumer PI must notify consumers that their PI may be sold, and of this opt-out right. Id. Without this notification, a business is prohibited from selling the affected PI. Id. Also, should a business receive a consumer’s opt-out, such business is prohibited from selling that consumer's PI. Id. That is, unless the consumer subsequently opts back in via an express authorization. Id. Stricter rules (e.g. a requirement that consumers “opt in” to allow their PI’s sale in the first place) apply for certain teenagers’ PI. §1798.120(d).

To comply with this requirement, businesses must provide a clear and conspicuous link on their homepage and in their privacy policy, titled “Do Not Sell My Personal Information.” §1798.135. This link must take consumers to an opt-out page; a link to this opt-out page must also appear in the business’s privacy policy, along with a description of consumer rights to prohibit the sale of their PI. Id. Exception: where a business maintains a separate, additional website for its CA consumers, it is permissible for these links to only appear on this CA-centric site, as long as the business “takes reasonable steps to ensure that California consumers are directed to the homepage for California consumers and not the homepage made available to the public generally.” Id.

Moreover, a business may not require that a consumer creates an account in order to direct the business not to sell the consumer’s PI. Id.

Bonus prohibition: third parties may not sell PI that they bought from a business unless the relevant consumer: (i) has received explicit notice that its PI may be sold; and (ii) has a chance to opt out. §1798.115(d).

(5) The right to equal service and price, even if they exercise their privacy rights under the Act.

A business may not discriminate against consumers because they have exercised any of the above rights, including by denying services to such consumers or charging them different rates. §1798.125. (While the Act provides an exception to this rule, allowing businesses to offer different rates or quality of goods or services to customers “if that price or difference is directly related to the value provided to the consumer by the consumer’s data,” id, the opacity of this exception requires further assessment.)

Finally, businesses may offer financial incentives to consumers in exchange for the collection, sale, or deletion of their PI—as long as: (i) the businesses notify consumers of these incentives; (ii) the relevant consumers opt into this arrangement, which consent is revocable anytime; and (iii) the incentive practices are not unjust, unreasonable, coercive, or usurious. Id.

Penalties and Procedures

If a business fails to implement and maintain reasonable security practices appropriate to the nature of the PI, and this failure results in a consumer’s nonencrypted or nonredacted PI being accessed and exfiltrated, stolen, or disclosed in an unauthorized manner, such consumer/s (individually or as a class) may commence a civil action for: (i) the greater of (a) up to $750 in damages per consumer and incident, and (b) actual damages; (ii) injunctive or declaratory relief; and (iii) any other relief per the court’s discretion. §1798.150. The Act further provides the factors for the court’s consideration in assessing statutory damages. Id.

Consumers have a cause of action for general Act violations—and the statutory damages that may follow—as well, subject to the Act's dispute resolution procedures. Id. A consumer must notify the business 30 days before initiating their action, identifying the allegedly violated provisions of the Act. Id. If the business cures within this period, providing an “express written statement” to this effect (which statement is enforceable), no action may be brought concerning that cured matter. Id. Exception: no notice is required by an action for actual pecuniary damages. Id.

If 30 days pass without cure, a business is in violation of the Act. §1798.155.

A consumer must also notify the Attorney General (“AG”) within 30 days of filing an action for statutory damages under the Act. §1798.150. Within 30 days following receipt of this notice, the AG must either: (i) notify the consumer of the AG’s intent to prosecute, in which case the consumer may not proceed with their action (however, if the AG doesn’t prosecute within 6 months, the consumer may proceed with their action); or (ii) notify the consumer that they may not proceed with their action. Id. If the AG does nothing within these 30 days, the consumer may proceed. Id.

Any person, business, or service provider who intentionally violates the Act may be liable for a civil penalty of up to seven thousand $7,500 for each violation. §1798.155(b).

Miscellaneous Requirements and Exclusions

-          Businesses must provide at least two methods by which consumers may make the requests for info about their PI detailed above, e.g. a phone number and web address. §1798.130.

-          The 45-day deadline for a response to a consumer request for info about their PI may be extended once by a business for another 45 days when reasonably necessary, provided the relevant consumer is notified of this extension within the initial 45 days. Id. A 90-day extension is also available based on the complexity and numerosity of requests a business receives, as are exceptions to, and even payment terms concerning, this obligation. §1798.145(g).

-          Businesses' PI disclosures must cover the 12-month period preceding the receipt of consumer’s request. §1798.130.

-          Businesses must include and update in their privacy policies every 12 months, as necessary: (i) their consumers’ rights; (ii) methods of submitting requests; (iii) the categories of PI they have collected, sold, and disclosed for business purposes in the prior 12 months. Id.

-          Businesses must ensure their relevant personnel are adequately informed of the Act’s requirements, and know how to help consumers exercise the rights it provides. Id.

-          Businesses are not obligated to provide a consumer with info on the sales or disclosures of that consumer’s PI more than twice in 12 months. Id.

-          Businesses must “respect” a consumer’s opt-out for at least 12 months before requesting that the consumer revisit their decision and authorize the business’ sale of the consumer’s PI. §1798.135.

-          A consumer may opt-out via a proxy. Id.

-          The Act does not apply to:

o   Consumer information that is “deidentified or in the aggregate consumer information.” §1798.145. ("Deidentified" is defined at §1798.140(h) and "aggregate consumer information" is defined at §1798.140(a).)

o   The collection or sale of PI “if every aspect of that commercial conduct takes place wholly outside of California.” §1798.145(a). Meaning, (i) if the business collected PI while the consumer was out of CA, (ii) no part of the PI sale occurred in CA; and (iii) no PI collected while the consumer was in CA is sold. Id. The Act cautions that this exception does not permit a business to store PI (e.g. on a device) while the relevant consumer is in CA, only to collect that PI once the consumer (and their stored PI) leaves CA. Id.

o   Evidentiary privileges. §1798.145(b).

o   Protected or health information that is collected by a covered entity governed by the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act or certain HIPAA rules. §1798.145(c).

o   PI collected, processed, sold, or disclosed pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, where such law conflicts with the Act. §1798.145(e).

-          A business is not liable for violations of the Act by its service providers, if the business didn’t know (or have reason to believe), when it disclosed PI to that service provider, that it intended to commit such a violation. §1798.145(h). A service provider is similarly not liable for the businesses it deals with. Id.

-          A business is not considered by the Act to have sold PI when the relevant consumer directs the business to make such disclosure or “uses the business to intentionally interact with a third party.” §1798.140(t)(2)(A).

-          Contract provisions that purport to waive or limit consumer rights under the Act are contrary to public policy, void, and unenforceable. §1798.192.

GDPR Overlap

The Act’s implicit intent is “to further the constitutional right of privacy and to supplement existing laws relating to consumers’ personal information.” §1798.175. To this end, where other sweeping PI statutes such as GDPR conflict with the Act, “the provisions of the law that afford the greatest protection for the right of privacy for consumers shall control.” Id.


Though lengthy, this synopsis of the Act is not exhaustive. While the Act provides additional—and potentially pivotal—requirements and exceptions for businesses, their service providers, and third parties in relation to consumer PI, this post may serve as a guide to certain highlights of this new law and a primer for the internal discussions the Act should stimulate within entities of all (covered) stripes.

SLG's 50 State Survey Part Four: Illinois

This is the fourth installment of a nationwide survey report we’re working on here at SLG, which will ask the questions listed below of each of the fifty U.S. states. Here’s our New York, California, and Florida coverage, respectively. Next up:



Are contractual caps, ceilings, or limits on direct damages enforceable?

Yes, based on the public policy principle of freedom of contract. Rayner Covering Systems, Inc. v. Danvers Farmers Elevator Co., 226 Ill. App. 3d 507, 512 (1992). However, clauses limiting direct damages are disfavored in Illinois and are strictly construed against a benefitting party. Hicks v. Airborne Express, Inc., 367 Ill. App. 3d 1005, 1011 (2006). All the more so when the benefitting party drafted the limiting clause. Harris v. Walker, 119 Ill. 2d at 542, 548 (1988). As such, to make direct limits of liability stick, drafters “must spell out the intention of the parties with great particularity [as such clauses] will not be construed to defeat a claim which is not explicitly covered by their terms.” Scott & Fetzer Co. v. Montgomery Ward & Co., 112 Ill. 2d 378, 395 (1986).

Are provisions that exclude all consequential damages enforceable?

Yes, unless they are unconscionable. 810 ILCS 5/2-719(3). Limiting consequential damages for someone’s physical injuries arising from a consumer goods contract is prima facie unconscionable, although limiting consequential damages where the loss is merely commercial is not. Id.

Can remedies be limited to those express remedies solely and exclusively provided for in a contract?

Yes, unless:

A. the exclusive remedy fails of its essential purpose; or

B. the exclusion is unconscionable. 810 ILCS 5/2-719(1)-(3).

An exclusive remedy—e.g. the repair and replacement of the contracted goods in question—may fail of its essential purpose if it deprives either party of the substantial value of the bargain. Razor v. Hyundai Motor America, 222 Ill.2d 75 (2006), quoting 810 ILCS Ann. 5/2-719, Uniform Commercial Code Comment 1, at 488 (Smith-Hurd 1993). For example, if the repair or replacement of originally contracted goods doesn’t work either, repeatedly. Id.


Does Illinois cap the amount of (A) consequential damages, or (B) punitive damages that a party may recover?

A. No. Moreover, consequential damages resulting from a seller’s contract breach include those: (i) contemplated by the parties at the time of contracting, which could not reasonably be covered; and (ii) arising from an injury to a person or property proximately resulting from any breach of warranty. 810 ILCS 5/2-715(2)(a)-(b).

B. Yes, generally. 735 ILCS 5/2-1115.05(a). The amount of punitive damages that may be awarded for a civil claim covered by this statute may not exceed three times the amount awarded to the claimant for the related economic damages. Id. Those covered claims: “all cases on account of bodily injury, or physical damage to property based on negligence, or product liability based on any theory or doctrine.” Id.

Are punitive damages recoverable in contract matters? If so, when?

No. Bank of Lincolnwood v. Comdisco, Inc., 111 Ill. App.3d 822, 829 (1982). Exception: punitive damages are available in breach of contract matters where the defendant committed the applicable breach with “malice, wantonness or oppression,” and therefore committed an independent tort. Id. As such, the court must analyze the motive underlying the breach to determine whether it warrants punitive damages.

The Illinois Compiled Statues offer further guidance, stating that punitive damages in “cases on account of bodily injury, or physical damage to property based on negligence, or product liability based on any theory or doctrine” may be recovered only if:

A. actual damages are awarded; and

B. the plaintiff shows by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted “with evil motive or with a reckless and outrageous indifference to a highly unreasonable risk of harm and with a conscious indifference to the rights and safety of others.” 735 ILCS 5/2-1115.05(a)-(b).

Bonus note: punitive damages are prohibited—whether capped or not—in cases of legal or medical malpractice. 735 ILCS 5/2-1115.


Are disclaimers of any and all implied warranties enforceable in Illinois?

Yes, subject to drafting requirements for each warranty the drafter seeks to disclaim. 810 ILCS 5/2-316.

To disclaim or modify the implied warranty of merchantability, the applicable provision must:

A. mention merchantability; and

B. be conspicuous. 810 ILCS 5/2-316(2).

To disclaim the implied warranty of fitness the applicable provision must be conspicuously written. Id.

All implied warranties are also excludable via “language which in common understanding calls the buyer's attention to the exclusion of warranties and makes plain that there is no implied warranty.” 810 ILCS 5/2-316(3)(a). This language includes “as is” or “with all faults.” Id.

Finally, implied warranties can also be excluded or modified through the parties’ course of dealing, course of performance, or usage of trade. 810 ILCS 5/2-316(3)(c).

Despite this statutory guidance, drafters should note that Illinois courts have invalidated disclaimers that conformed to the above requirements where “the evidence unequivocally demonstrated that the substantially defective nature of the [contracted good] clearly impaired its value to the plaintiffs and thus revocation of acceptance is appropriate even if the dealer has properly disclaimed all implied warranties.” Blankenship v. Northtown Ford, Inc., 95 Ill.App.3d 303, 306.


May claimants sue the State of Illinois for breach of contract? If so, does Illinois mandate any dispute resolution procedures with the State?

Yes, to both. Claimants may sue the State, however, claimants “aggrieved by an administrative action must first pursue all available administrative remedies before resorting to the courts.” Village of South Elgin v. Waste Management of Illinois, Inc., 348 Ill. App. 3d 929, 930 (2004) (citing Rockford Memorial Hospital v. Dep’t of Human Rights, 272 Ill. App. 3d 751, 757 (1995)). Also, contract breach claimants must sue the Illinois in the Court of Claims, as the Court of Claims Act grants the Court of Claims exclusive jurisdiction over “[a]ll claims against the State founded upon any contract entered into with the State of Illinois.” 705 ILCS 505/8(b).

SLG's 50 State Survey Part Three: Florida

This is the third installment of a nationwide survey report by SLG, which will ask the questions listed below of each of the fifty U.S. states. Here is our New York and California coverage, respectively. Next up:



Are contractual caps on direct damages enforceable in Florida?

Yes, limits of liability clauses are enforceable in Florida. Mt. Hawley Ins. Co. v. Pallet Consultants Corp., No. 06-61763-Civ (S.D. Fla. 2009). However, drafters should “clearly and unequivocally” provide their limits, considering the general “disfavor” of exculpatory provisions among Florida courts. Id.

Are provisions that exclude all consequential damages enforceable in Florida?

Yes, generally. Florida’s Uniform Commercial Code: Sales states that consequential damages may be limited or excluded altogether unless the limitation or exclusion is unconscionable. Fla. Stat. § 672.719(3). However, commercial contract drafters must note that any limitation of consequential damages for injury to a person in the case of consumer goods is prima facie unconscionable, and therefore unenforceable. Id. Still, a limitation of damages where the loss is merely commercial is not automatically unconscionable, and therefore, may be enforceable. Id.

Can remedies be limited to those expressly and exclusively provided in a contract?

Yes. As long as the remedies are expressly provided as—and therefore agreed to be—exclusive, such exclusive remedies are enforceable. Fla. Stat. § 672.719(1)(a)-(b). However, where circumstances cause an exclusive (or limited) remedy to fail of its essential purpose, such remedy may not be exclusive of other applicable statutory remedies. Fla. Stat. § 672.719(2).


Does Florida cap the amount of (a) consequential damages, or (b) punitive damages that a party may recover?

(a) No. Although, drafters should note that consequential damages are statutorily defined to include losses:

(A) stemming from needs that the seller, at the time of contracting, had reason to know of, and;

(B) that could not reasonably be prevented by cover or otherwise. Fla. Stat. § 672.715(2)(a).

Consequential damages also include losses due to injury to a person or property that are proximately caused by the seller’s breach of warranty. Fla. Stat. § 672.715(2)(b).

(b) Yes, generally. Fla. Stat. § 768.73(1)(a). Punitive damages may not exceed the greater of:

(i) three times the compensatory damages awarded to each claimant; and

(ii) $500,000. Id.

However, Florida law raises this cap where the proven wrongful conduct was:

(1) motivated solely by unreasonable financial gain; and

(2) actually known to be unreasonably dangerous, with a high likelihood of resultant injury. This knowledge may be possessed by a managing agent, director, officer, or other person responsible for making policy decisions on behalf of the defendant. Fla. Stat. § 768.73(1)(b).

Here, the punitive damages cap is the greater of:

(y) four times the compensatory damages awarded to each claimant; and

(z) $2 million. Id.

Despite the foregoing, Florida law does not cap punitive damages at all where the defendant had a specific intent to harm the claimant at the time of injury, and such harm-minded conduct succeeded in harming the claimant. Fla. Stat. § 768.73(1)(c).

Are punitive damages recoverable in contract matters? If so, when?

Yes, unless the defendant establishes, before trial, that that punitive damages have already been awarded against that defendant for the same act or course of conduct. Fla. Stat. § 768.73(1)(d)(2)(a). Still, even in these doubled-up cases, punitive damages remain available if a court determines by clear and convincing evidence that the prior punitive damages were insufficient to punish the defendant’s behavior. Fla. Stat. § 768.73(1)(d)(2)(b).


Are disclaimers of any and all implied warranties enforceable in Florida?

Yes. But it has to be done right. To exclude or modify the implied warranty of merchantability, for example, contract language must:

(i) mention merchantability; and

(ii) be conspicuous. Fla. Stat. § 672.316(2).

To exclude or modify any implied warranty of fitness, a contractual exclusion must be conspicuous. Id. Generally, expressions like “as is” or “with all faults” successfully exclude all implied warranties. Fla. Stat. § 672.316(3)(a).

Fun fact: There is no implied warranty that cattle or hogs are free from sickness or disease—unless the seller knowingly sells the beasts diseased. Fla. Stat. § 672.316(3)(d).


May claimants sue the State of Florida for breach of contract? If so, does Florida mandate any dispute resolution procedures with the State?

Yes. While the State of Florida waived its sovereign immunity for torts in 1975, clearing the way for claimants to sue the Sunshine State for everything from personal injury to ministerial fails, Fla. Stat. § 768.28, no statutory provisions waive Florida’s sovereign immunity regarding contracts. Florida courts undertook this matter instead, and have ruled consistently that claimants may sue Florida for contract breach as long as such suits concern “express, written contracts into which the state agency has statutory authority to enter.” Pan–Am Tobacco Corp. v. Dep't of Corr., 471 So.2d 4, 6 (Fla.1984). However, “[w]hen an alleged contract is merely implied, [Florida’s] sovereign immunity protections remain in force.” City of Fort Lauderdale v. Israel, No. 4D15–1008 (FL. Dist. Ct. App. 2015).

Florida requires no particular dispute resolution procedures for contract disputes with the State.

ICO Contracts: Choice of Law, Venue Selection, and How Fraud Upends It All


ICOs are multiplying. Likely siphoning early stage VC funding, initial coin offerings have raised $4 billion in 2017. Bitcoin, the standard bearer of cryptocurrencies worldwide and the most common ICO currency, hit an all-time high nearing $18,000 in mid-December. With commensurate speed, lawsuits and regulator crackdowns have followed.

In particular, a series of lawsuits surrounding the startup Tezos may provide some guidance on ICO contracts. That is, not the smart contracts that administer the cryptocurrency-for-ICO token exchange at the core of certain ICOs, but the paper contracts which (hopefully!) set forth the terms and conditions of an ICO exchange, including limitations of liability, tax responsibilities, venue selection provisions, and more.


Tezos threw a phenomenally successful ICO: $232 million raised by co-founders and spouses Arthur and Kathleen Breitmen, for an incomplete blockchain-based platform, in July 2017. Tezos’ haul shattered records for funds raised in an ICO—especially considering that these funds were ostensibly raised via bitcoin and ether, two currencies whose value continues to trend (substantially) up, raising the ICO’s ensuing estimated value to hit $1.3 billion.

Those Suits

Tezos faces at least five lawsuits, all class actions, filed in state and federal courts from Florida to California. One of these suits, captioned Gaviria v. Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc., et al., Case No. 6:17-CV-01959-ORL-40-KRS, attached to its complaint the Tezos Contribution and XTZ Allocation Terms and Explanatory Notes (“Tezos Terms”). The Tezos Terms, according to the complaint, memorialize the terms of the Tezos ICO’s fundraising offer—and are “unenforceable for a variety of reasons.” Gaviria, at 14.

Early Guidance

While the Tezos suits have yet to be resolved, and the validity of their arguments yet to be tested, guidance may be gleaned already for the fast-moving ICO space. In particular, the Tezos suits offer a lesson for ICO contract drafters on choice of law and venue selection provisions.

Choice of Law & Venue—Meet Fraud

Tezos, like certain other ICOs, sought to adjudicate litigation concerning their enterprise in a foreign jurisdiction. Via the very last provision of the Tezos Terms, any disputes “arising out of or in connection with” Tezos’ ICO are restricted “exclusively and finally [to] the ordinary courts of Zug, Switzerland.” Gaviria, at Exhibit A. Tezos’ choice of law was Swiss as well. Id.

Organizations running ICOs, like many other enterprises, don’t want to travel far to litigate, produce witnesses, and transport evidence. Hence, venue selection clauses. Also like many other organizations, those running ICOs seek regulatory havens. Jurisdictions they think align with the claims they might make (and field) should litigation arise. In fact, Kathleen Breitman told Reuters in June that Tezos chose to incorporate the Tezos Foundation in Zug since Switzerland “has a regulatory authority that had a sufficient amount of oversight but not like anything too crazy.” Each party’s assessment along these lines informs its agreement’s choice of law clause.

Generally, courts afford venue selection clauses significant deference, even when the chosen jurisdiction is a non-U.S. state. After all, the parties assumedly negotiated these clauses prior to signing the agreement. Today, the majority of federal courts (including those of the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th circuits—which include New York, Florida, and California) strictly enforce forum-selection clauses. The Supreme Court of the U.S. blessed this trend, ruling that “forum-selection clauses should control except in unusual cases.” Atlantic Marine Construction Co. v. United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, 571 U.S. 488 (2013). The same applies for choice of law clauses. The Restatement (Second) of the Conflicts of Laws provides that choice of law provisions are presumptively enforceable.

That said, how can Tezos be sued—multiple times—in California and Florida, at opposite ends of the country whose laws Tezos sought to avoid altogether?

Because fraud wasn’t part of the agreement.

Fraud features heavily across the Tezos litigation. For example, each in their own way, the Tezos suits allege that the utility tokens (i.e. markers of purchased services or access) that Tezos distributed to its “donors” in exchange for their “donations” during the Tezos ICO were actually unregistered securities, sold in violation of the Securities Act of 1933. Gaviria, at 31. By misleading ICO participants about the unregistered securities status of these tokens—a “material fact” highly relevant to the ICO participants—Tezos “fraudulently induced [the ICO class] to participate in the ICO.” Id., at 34. 

Fraud is kryptonite for forum selection clauses in federal court.  Decades ago the Supreme Court ruled that where enforcement of a forum selection clause would be “unreasonable and unjust, or that the clause was invalid for such reasons as fraud or overreaching,” it should not be enforced. The Bremen v. Zapata Off-Shore Co., 407 U.S. 1 (1972). As for choice of law clauses, fraud can defeat those too. Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute, 499 U.S. 585 (1991).

Therefore, by claiming that the Tezos Terms were “induced by fraud and overreaching” (Gaviria, at 24), the plaintiffs at play may succeed in superimposing their own venue selection—Florida, for instance—over Tezos and its Swiss preferences.


ICOs operate for now in a regulatory gray-space. While crypto-entrepreneurs consider the securities status of their tokens, publish ambitious marketing materials, and hunt for ICO participants, they must also consider the jurisdictional impact their decisions might have on their ICO contracts—regardless of the law and venue they select.

SLG's 50 State Survey Part One: New York

This post is a preview of a nationwide survey report we’re working on here at SLG, which will ask the questions listed below of each of the fifty U.S. states. Our preview, like the coming survey, discusses the keys to contract disputes: (i) limits of liability, (ii) damages, (iii) warranty disclaimers, and (iv) dispute resolution—and the parameters of each within the subject State.

For now, New York seemed a fine place to start.




Are contractual caps, ceilings, or limits on direct damages enforceable?

Yes. Unless the damages stem from gross negligence or willful misconduct, as discussed below.

Are agreements that exclude all indirect (i.e. consequential, incidental) damages enforceable?

No. New York courts insert an implicit exception to these blanket caps, even if the applicable agreements explicitly don’t. Where the damages at play arise from gross negligence or willful misconduct, public policy dictates the offenders are limitlessly liable, and the cap fails. So, no matter what, liability for such egregious behavior is unlimited.

Despite this exception, caps on indirect damages are enforceable against other (less egregious) claims.

Additional Notes on Gross Negligence in New York:

1.       Drafters should note that evidencing gross negligence or willful misconduct can be difficult, these standards high. Parties must show that a breaching party’s “egregious intentional misbehavior evince[s] some extreme culpability.” Otherwise, no gross negligence or willful misconduct is present, and the relevant liability remains limited under the contract. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Noble Lowndes Int'l, Inc., 643 N.E.2d 504, 506-07 (N.Y. 1994) (defendant’s “voluntary and intentional … refusal to perform a contract [to develop and install software] for economic reasons,” without plaintiff proving fraud or other willful intent, fell short of gross negligence and willful misconduct and the limit of liability survived; also, entering a contract intending never to perform is not in itself gross negligence or willful misconduct).

Can remedies be limited to the express remedies solely and exclusively provided for in a contract?

Yes.  Per New York’s adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code ("UCC") § 2-316 (more on this below), remedies for breach of warranty may be limited to liquidation or limitations of damages as captured by a contract, or via a contractual modification of the subject remedies.  However, these routes carry their own rules and limitations.  For example, per UCC § 2-718, liquidated damages must represent “an amount which is reasonable in the light of the anticipated or actual harm caused by the breach, the difficulties of proof of loss, and the inconvenience or nonfeasibility of otherwise obtaining an adequate remedy.”  An unreasonably large liquidation of damages is, therefore, void.


Does New York law mandate any blanket limits on the amount of (a) consequential damages, or (b) punitive damages that a party may recover?

(a)       No. Unlimited consequential damages resulting from a breach of contract are generally available to parties under traditional contract principles. That is, so long as these damages were (i) a foreseeable result of the breach; (ii) “within the contemplation of the parties” when contracted; and (iii) not unconscionable. The UCC adds that consequential damages may be limited or excluded—except where those limits or exclusions are unconscionable themselves. UCC § 2-719 (3).

(b)       No.

Additional notes:

1.       Similarly, courts will generally enforce a contractual cap on consequential damages unless the cap is unconscionable, violates public policy, or enforcement causes the contract to fail of its essential purpose. Taylor Inv. Corp. v. Weil, 169 F. Supp. 2d 1046, 1058-59 (D. Minn. 2001).  If the provision was reasonable and negotiated as part of an arms-length agreement, however, proving unconscionability may be difficult. Finally, New York does not allow a manufacturer to disclaim liability borne of its own gross negligence, willful, wanton or intentional conduct. Kalisch-Jarcho Inc. v. New York, 58 N.Y.2d 377, 448 N.E.2d 413 (N.Y. 1983).

2.       In recent years New York made it possible for policyholders to squeeze insurers for unlimited consequential damages for breach of policy. This remedy is available where the insurer’s denial of policy benefits (i) breaches the covenant of good faith and fair dealing; and (ii) the applicable damages were foreseeable at the contracting time.

Are punitive damages recoverable in contract matters? If so, when?

Generally, no. Even if a breach is willful and without justification. Campo v. 1st Nationwide Bank, 857 F.Supp. 264, 273 (EDNY 1994).

Additional Notes:

1.       Contract claims fused with tort claims may earn punitive damages. Meaning, where a tort claim stems from a contractual relationship. There a plaintiff must show: (i) the defendant’s conduct is actionable as an independent tort; (ii) the tortious conduct is egregious; (iii) the egregious conduct is directed at the plaintiff; and (iv) the defendant’s conduct is part of a pattern directed at the public generally. Conocophillips v. 261 E. Merrick Rd. Corp., 428 F.Supp.2d 111, 129 (EDNY 2006).

2.       In New York, certain fraudulent conduct may also earn punitive damages, i.e. fraud with “evil and reprehensible motives.” Solutia Inc. v. FMC Corp., 456 F.Supp.2d 429, 453 reconsideration denied (SDNY 2006).

3.       Contracts commonly exclude all incidental, indirect, and consequential damages subject to certain exceptions; punitive damages may be expressly excluded.


Are disclaimers of any and all implied warranties enforceable in New York?

Yes. Regarding all issues concerning implied warranties, New York adopted UCC § 2-316, which states that all implied warranties may be disclaimed.  However, such disclaimers must use contract language that is commonly understood to call a buyer's attention to the exclusion of warranties.  Expressions like "as is" or "with all faults" suffice, per the UCC, to adequately warn buyers and, thus, establish warranties.

For the two most prevalent implied warranties—those of merchantability and fitness—New York and the UCC permit sellers to disclaim:

(A) the implied warranty of merchantability, as long as the disclaimer is:

(i) conspicuous, and

(ii) explicitly includes the word “merchantability.”

(B) the implied warranty of fitness as long as such disclaimer is

(i) "affected by a writing," and

(ii) "conspicuous.”

Drafters should note, however, that the UCC places a limitation on these disclaimers: they’re valid “unless the circumstances indicate otherwise.”  Meaning, if the facts indicate that a warranty did exist—perhaps as a deciding factor in the subject sale of goods—regardless of what the contract purports to disclaim, a warranty may exist.  Also noteworthy is the UCC § 2-316’s dictate that “an implied warranty can also be excluded or modified by course of dealing or course of performance or usage of trade.” Although these are likely tougher to prove than black and white ink on a contract is to read.


When the State of New York is sued over a contract dispute, does New York mandate any dispute resolution procedures such as venue requirements or jury trial requirements?

No.  The Court of Claims has jurisdiction over contract dispute claims brought against the State of New York and certain State-related authorities.  Rather, to serve New York with a suit for breach of contract, a claim must be delivered to a New York Assistant Attorney General at an office of the Attorney General within six months after the claim’s accrual.  The claim's venue is determined by the county where the claim accrued.